Update Blogs

(not to be confused with the Update Log, which doesn't exist (yet))

Further Progress: Dec 15, 2022. 2:00 PM

I still find it funny that I ended up here, as even 24 hours ago I had no idea this is what I would

become infatuated with for the next short while, but here we are. What's interesting is that right now

I'm typing this on my school chromebook, as today I was informed of an especially clever method of jailbreaking it

I expect further practical work to occur tonight, when I actually can use more than one tab

Breaking Ground: Dec 15, 2022. 12:15 AM

I'm going to be honest, setting up a website was not how I planned on spending tonite, but here we are.

To call the site barebones at this point would be an understatement, with nothing but a index and not found page as of typing,

but hopefully as I learn more on HTML this site becomes something more befitting of a mighty chvd like myself.

let me outta here